Monday 24 June 2013

Turn Disappointment Into Motivation

Now, you see me livin’ crosses? Sorry for starting off with my Jamaican lingua. My dear friends, I went to the store a few weeks ago… longing for a taste of home. So I decided to spend the extra cash to get me some Jamaican spices and seasonings. As I strolled through the isles of the store looking for specific items, a bright light beckoned me to a section of the store I never really paid attention to before. I floated to the section… mesmerized by the lure of the invitation offered to me by the item on the shelf. There it was… a box of refreshing coconut water.
My thoughts wandered home… Jamaica I placed the sacred box of coconut water in the trolley and merrily continued my shopping. I picked up some Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Jamaican Chicken Seasoning and a bottle of Jamaican Kola Champaign. I went all out! I decided that night that I was going to prepare some baked chicken… no, not barbecue chicken… juicy, tender, delicious oven baked chicken prepared with the jerk seasoning. But before I left the store, something happened. I was walking through the snack isle when it came into full view… an air-filled chip bag of delicious Jamaican Jerk flavoured chips!! A choir heralded the discovery and I held the prized package with care and slowly, lovingly placed it into the cart… My day couldn’t have gone better.
I checked out my over-priced items, went home and opened my “coconut water” (note the presence of quotations now). My friends, the coconut water tasted like dish water… after you do the dishes. I emptied the remains in the sink and proceeded to finish unpacking the groceries. I then came across my chips and thought to myself: there is hope, after all! I ripped the package open and with great anticipation, I looked into the bag. Friends, I put the first and only chip in my mouth and it was a disaster. My whole world crumbled. The chip tasted like fried potatoes with hot sauce; the coconut water was a disappointment and suddenly, I didn’t trust the other food items in my grocery bag. The only way to get a taste of home was to take myself and actually go home.
I do long for home and sometimes wish I could turn back and halt my studies and go back to the sunshine and beaches. However, at the end of the day, I want to advance myself and sacrifices need to be made. If it means I can’t get the luxuries I’m used to, that’s fine by me. The disappointment was real and lasted for a while, but I eventually got over it and reduced my expectations and am adapting.
My advice: Always have a goal in mind, so when obstacles come your way, when disappointments hit, when you get home-sick, at least you know where you’re headed. You may think it doesn't mean much to miss a home-cooked meal, but when you are by yourself in a strange place, it is easy to become demotivated and lose sight of your goals because of the simplest disappointments.

"Do not be put down by disappointments; instead, use them as building blocks to keep climbing higher." ~ JGIC


Jodi-Ann is an Environmental Studies major in Nova Scotia, Canada.

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