Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Chrissmuss (Jamaican Style)

White washing the columns, cleaning the house, the smell of Christmas cake making its way from the kitchen, and the warmth of the house with all the cooking that’s being done…
The lights blinking in unison at first, then they begin to dazzle in different designs right before our eyes…
Who can forget the sorrel and egg nog? These are some of the indications that it’s Christmas in a Jamaican household.
Christmas is not just a “day” for Jamaicans; it’s the joy of preparing for the day that makes the season so warm and refreshing. The seasoning of the “Christmas meat” a day or two before Christmas day, and “drawing” the sorrel with ginger to make a fine, refreshing drink to go with that well-prepared meat, are the most important aspects of preparing for Christmas day.
I remember my grandfather used to make the most delicious egg nog right before our eyes, so visiting him in the country was always something I looked forward to.
When the special day arrives, the love of family is felt as everyone gathers to eat. Some persons don’t even own a dining table, but that fact remains unseen as everyone anticipates the delicious meal ahead. This is a time to catch up on the year’s events, and to reflect on what is to come. It is a time of laughter; a time of unity; a time to show how much we care.
May your holiday be filled with joy and good cheer and may your 2013 be filled with the love and prosperity that you deserve!
Merry Christmas to all my friends all over the world and a wonderful, prosperous New Year!! ~ JGIC


Jodi-Ann is an Environmental Studies Major in Nova Scotia, Canada.

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